
cool silicon

cool silicon case from barbeq shop click here

goldies accessory and the morgan

watching the morgan wiff the femalers..
I wear them today..


new earing

my new earring from Rachel..

shock theraphy part II

this straightener try to kill me.. *lebay mode on before popon n wingky bachelor party I decided to touch up my make up and straighten my hair, but this straightener try to kill me.. it explode, really big.. I'm not kidding you, that is the biggest electric exploded that I ever made and see.. am I shock? SURE!!! my body was shaking and I even can't move from my own chair.. FYI this is my 2nd explode and it made all the electricity on 4th floor down, before this my charger was explode too when I was recharge my mobile phone, what a extreme experience wasn't it.. thanks GOD I'm still alive..

and the brides become???

put the makeup on their face
make up by Dewi.R female magazine beauty editor dan fibra trias amukti a.k.a fia lifestyle editor and they becomee... left: banci taman lawang right: anna sui..

latest looklet


accidentally reunion

my high school besties alda n tiwi @ death by chocolate..
tomorrow we will rock Borobudur hotel with popon bachelored party... wiiihiiiww..


new cell phone

I just bought a new cell phone last week to run my online shop *for customers satisfaction.. hohoho.. will be get busier than ever..


what is the same in common between us???

answer: ew desu eth emas ecalkcen..
PS: can u read it and find the answer??


my dad's names on soup in sisha cafe


nu year celebration>>> it's 2010 bitch!! lol

ALL da CS team..
bandegi's time
hang on da boat..
enjoying da sea..
what a wonderful day..
the other boat..
my boat side..
I'm off da boat..
back to jakarta.. back to reality
bowling time..
3 days in thousand islands, celebrate NY 2010, and playing bowling with all the bitches CS team.. have a lot of fun, and a great time also.. waaaa.. I heart..heart..heart...the beach...

good bye my frieds... T_____T

ada perjumpaan..
ada perpisahan..
karoke bersama, merayakan perpisahan..hiks..
I will miss u guyss.. :(

merry christmas